
Do You Need A Form To Bring A Domestic Animal Into Canada

Woman and dog on a Canadian mountaintop at sunset

Traveling with your pets from the United States to Canada is like shooting fish in a barrel! Larn everything you'll need to know for a pet friendly road trip across the edge.

Woman and dog on a Canadian mountaintop at sunset

The idea of traveling with your pets to Canada might make you nervous. Merely at that place's really no need to worry! We've traveled across the border with our dogs many times over the years, and nosotros're happy to share the tricks we've learned.

If you're planning to travel to or through Ontario with a bully breed, please pay special attention to the "Brood Specific Legislation" section at the end of this post.

Covid-19 Update: On August nine, 2021, American citizens and permanent residents of the The states currently residing in and arriving from the United States, and who qualify for the fully vaccinated traveler exemption, were once more immune to visit Canada for discretionary travel.

To meet the fully vaccinated traveler exemption you must take received your last dose of an approved COVID-nineteen vaccine at least fourteen days earlier you cross the border. And proof of your vaccination must be uploaded to ArriveCAN. In improver, you must provide an approved negative COVID-nineteen test taken within 72 hours of your planned entry into Canada, and cannot accept any signs or symptoms of COVID-19. Click to learn more than about Canada'south COVID-19 requirements.

Click to learn nearly traveling to Canada with children or dependents who are not fully vaccinated for COVID-nineteen.

United States citizens returning to the U.Due south. via land border crossings do not need to provide negative COVID-19 exam results at the border or quarantine once they return dwelling house. The CDC does recommend that they become a COVID-19 exam three to 5 days after their return.

Documents People Need To Travel Between The U.S. And Canada Past Car

Most U.S. citizens can visit Canada for up to six months, as long as the right paperwork is presented at the border. When entering Canada or returning the the U.Southward., all travelers must provide acceptable identification and proof of citizenship. A passport is recommended because it proves both citizenship and identification.

Those who run across sure requirements can apply for Trusted Traveler Programs. Acceptance into these programs allows members to use expedited lanes at the U.S. airports and when crossing international borders. In addition, these additional forms of identification may also exist acceptable:

  • U.S. Passport Cards
  • Enhanced Commuter's Licenses
  • Trusted Traveler Cards (Global Entry*, NEXUS, SENTRI, or FAST)
  • Military Identification Cards (for members of the U.Due south. armed forces on official orders)
  • U.South. Merchant Mariner Document (for U.S. citizens on official maritime business)

Those traveling for work, school, or who are planning to move permanently will likely need a Canadian visa.

 The Canadian and U.S. flags flying side-by-side

Traveling With Children

All minors entering Canada and returning to the U.S. must present evidence of citizenship, such as a passport or passport card at the border. Children younger than 16 who are traveling with both parents by land (non flying) can utilize their authorities-issued birth certificate every bit identification.

If you're traveling with a child for whom you share custody, or you're not the kid's parent or legal guardian, boosted documents volition be needed. You can larn more nearly those requirements on the Us Customs and Border Protection and Canada Edge Services Agency websites.

Dog and kids in car on pet friendly vacation to a theme park with kennels

Pet Friendly Hotels In Canada

If y'all'll exist spending the night in Canada, you'll also need to notice a great pet friendly hotel! Canada has many hotels that welcome pets, and information technology'southward piece of cake to find the perfect accommodations by searching online.

Travel Like a Pro: 8 Questions to Ask When Booking a Pet Friendly Hotel |

Documents Needed When Traveling With Pets To Canada

There is no limit on the number of pets that tin travel with yous to Canada, equally long as they are your personal pets. Before heading to the border with an creature, make sure y'all understand the Canadian import and travel requirements.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency sets the policies for traveling with your pets to Canada. Their officers inspect and can decline entry,confiscate, ordetain an animal if:

  • it is undeclared, including family pets
  • you do not have the necessary permits/certificates
  • information technology is suspected of being sick or infected with a pest or disease
  • the animal is transported in a not-humane way and not kept safe from damage and injury

Proof Of Rabies Vaccination

If yous're traveling to Canada from the U.s.a., United mexican states, or any other land non considered rabies-free with your cat or dog that is at to the lowest degree 3 months sometime, you'll need a valid rabies vaccination certificate. For cats and dogs younger than iii months, proof of historic period must exist provided upon request.

The rabies vaccination certificate must run across these requirements:

  • exist legibly written in English or French
  • take the proper noun and signature of the licensed veterinarian that issued the certificate and the date information technology was signed
  • identify the animal past age, brood, sex, colour/markings, weight, and microchip/tattoo number, if applicable
  • state that the animal is vaccinated against rabies
  • indicate the date of vaccination
  • indicate the trade name and the serial number of the licensed vaccine
  • specify the duration of immunity (otherwise, it will be considered valid for 1 year from the date of vaccination)

Pets traveling to Canada are not quarantined upon arrival from any land. Additionally, Canada does not require a vaccination waiting period. Pets can travel to Canada immediately after he or she receives the rabies vaccination.

Honey the golden retriever looks lovingly at her veterinarian, Dr Armao.

What if you don't have a valid rabies document?

Arriving at the Canadian border without a proper rabies certificate likely ways you'll be jumping through some additional hoops.

Offset, y'all'll have to accept your domestic dog vaccinated for rabies within two weeks of your inflow. Then you'll have to take the vaccination record to a Canadian Food Inspection Agency function.

In add-on to the vaccination cost, yous'll incur administrative fees for each animal. These fees are due when you cross the border.

Vacation Planning Tips for Dogs Who Get Sick in the Car

If your dog or cat can't be vaccinated for rabies due to his health, you tin apply for an exemption to the rabies certificate requirement. Applications, submitted in writing to the National Eye for Permissions, must include a letter from your veterinarian stating the specific condition preventing the vaccination of your pet. You also have to include the results of a Rabies Neutralising Antibody Titre Exam coming together the minimum titre requirements.

Upon blessing, your pet will still need an inspection by a CFIA veterinary when you arrive in Canada.  You're responsible for making arrangements for the inspection at your port of entry before the fauna travels.

Health Certificate When Entering Canada

The Canada Border Services Agency inspects all pets traveling to Canada to ensure the creature's rabies vaccination is electric current and the animal description matches. The agents besides visually inspect the animal to ensure that there are no visible signs of illness or injury.

It is possible for the border agents to refer whatever animal crossing the edge for secondary inspection. Simply equally long equally your dog is healthy, this is unlikely to happen.

Generally, health certificates are not necessary when traveling with your pets to Canada. But, if a pet appears to be ill, the border agents can asking a health certificate from a veterinarian. Their primary business is that the pet'southward condition is non contagious.

If you're traveling with a pet with an obvious health condition, nosotros recommend getting a health certificate from their vet prior to your trip. It'southward a scrap of a hassle, simply information technology could assist you avert a filibuster border!

Pets flying to Canada must besides encounter the requirements of the airline on which they'll be traveling. Most airlines require that all pets have a current health certificate.

READ MORE ⇒ Tips for Traveling to Canada with a Cat

Personality Traits of Adventure Cats

Transport Pets Safely

Canada has strong regulations in place to assist protect all animals from injury and suffering during transport. To ensure your pets are safe while traveling, follow these suggestions:

Comprise your pet – Buckle upwards animals that could distract the driver in a seat belt harness or secured carrier. In addition, pets should not roam freely in the dorsum of pick-up trucks, and must not exist exposed in whatsoever way to flying debris.

Sentry the atmospheric condition – Don't exit animals in parked vehicles for long periods of fourth dimension, particularly in hot or cold weather condition. If y'all must go out your pet unattended in a vehicle for a brusk period of time, ensure information technology has fresh h2o and leave windows open up a picayune on either side of the vehicle to create a cross-cakewalk.

Provide food, water, and remainder – On long trips, make sure your pet has nutrient and h2o and that you make regular stops so it can residual or get out and walk effectually.

Black and golden Cocker Spaniel dogs in back of car

Taking Pet Food And Treats Into Canada

Visitors traveling with pets to Canada from the Usa can bring upwardly to 20 kg (44 pounds) of pet food and treats into Canada for their personal apply. This is the total amount of pet food and treats immune, regardless of the number of pets traveling with you. In addition, the pet food and treats must encounter ALL of the following requirements:

  • Pet nutrient and treats must exist from the United States, commercially packaged, and unopened.
  • All pet food and treats must be in the possession of the traveler at the fourth dimension of entry.
  • The animal that will eat the products must accompany the traveler at the fourth dimension of entry.
  • Whatsoever pet food and treats imported into Canada past the traveler must be fed only to the animal that accompanied the traveler into the land.

For longer trips, or if you're traveling through Canada to or from Alaska, consider taking a dehydrated pet food with you. We love The Honest Kitchen canis familiaris nutrient and it's great for traveling because a 10 pound box makes 40 pounds of food!

Ty and Buster from eating dehydrated dog food from The Honest Kitchen

No Requirement For Microchips or Tattoos

Canada does not crave a microchip or tattoo identification for pet dogs and cats. However, some type of permanent identification can assist your pet get home if they get lost.

READ More ⇒ Keep Pets From Getting Lost While Traveling

Traveling With Other Types Of Pets To Canada

Not anybody travels with cats and dogs. Hither are the rules for traveling to Canada with less common pets:

Amphibians and Reptiles

Imports of amphibians and reptiles (other than turtles and tortoises) are controlled past the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wildlife and Flora and/or other restrictions under the Wild Brute and Plant Protection and Regulations of International and Interprovincial Trade Act, which are administered by the Canadian Wild fauna Service. If you plan to bring an amphibian or reptile to Canada, you should contact the Canadian Wildlife Service.


Birds are considered pets for Canadian import purposes if they are personally owned and cared for, and are a species usually known as caged birds such equally psittacines (birds in the parrot family), vocal birds, toucans, canaries, finches, cardinals, etc.

To travel with your pet bird to Canada, you lot must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Your bird must accompany you or a fellow member of your immediate family.
  • The bird must announced healthy when inspected at the port of entry.
  • You must sign a declaration stating that:
    • the bird was in your possession for the 90 twenty-four hour period period preceding the date of importation and wasn't in contact with any other birds during that time
    • the bird is your personal pet and won't be sold
  • You or any member of your family must not have imported birds into Canada under the pet bird provision in the past ninety days.

In cases of a disease outbreak, an Export Veterinarian Certificate from the U.s. might be required. Check the Canadian Food Inspection Agency for more information.


Ferrets tin but travel to Canada from the United States. They can cross the border without an import permit if they have a valid rabies vaccination certificate. The ferret must have received the rabies vaccination in the 12-calendar month period preceding the engagement of import. Ferrets less than 3 months erstwhile are not bailiwick to any import restrictions.


Pet rabbits from the United States do not crave an import let or health certificate to enter Canada. When you go far at the edge, present your rabbit to Canada Edge Services Agency staff for inspection. Also provide proof that the rabbit has lived in the Us for the 60 days prior to entering Canada.


Near pet rodents, including chinchillas, republic of guinea pigs, hamsters, mice, and rats can travel to Canada without an import permit or health certificate. Border agents may inspection your pets related to the humane transport of animals regulations.

At that place are import restrictions for sure (or specific) pet rodents, including prairie dogs, gambian pouch rats, or squirrels from most countries;and all rodents from Africa.

Turtles and Tortoises

Turtles and tortoises arriving from all countries require an import allow. And the animals must accept been in your personal possession in the land of origin and accompany you to Canada. You should submit the application for permit to import at to the lowest degreexxx days earlier your arrival.

Traveling With Pets To Canada For Other Reasons

If you're thinking of traveling with a pet to Canada for breeding, sale, or adoption purposes, refer to the rules regarding the commercial transportation of animals.

Documents Needed When Returning With Pets To The United States

Rabies Certificates Not Required For Cats And Dogs Traveling From Canada To The The states

All pets must announced healthy to enter the Us. Cats, regardless of where they're arriving from, don't need proof of rabies vaccination to enter the U.s.a.. Things are more complicated for dogs.

Later on October 14, 2021, dogs coming from counties considered high-risk for importing rabies must have CDC Canis familiaris Import Permits andcan only enter the state at approved ports of entry.

Luckily, Canada isn't a loftier-risk country on the CDC website. So, dogs traveling from Canada to the United States don't need to nowadays a rabies vaccination certificate or other paperwork. Notwithstanding, the CDC recommends all dogs receive a rabies vaccination.

Also proceed in heed that some states crave vaccination of cats and dogs for rabies. And so information technology is a proficient idea to check with state and local health authorities at your final destination.

Cat and dog resting on bed in a pet friendly hotel

Health Certificate When Entering the United States

Like in Canada, if your pet is healthy he won't need a wellness certificate to come into the U.Southward. However, if there could be any question near your pet'southward wellness, we recommend getting a wellness certificate from a veterinarian that states his condition is not contagious.

READ More than ⇒ What Yous Should Know About Emergency Vets Before Y'all Need One

Small dog being held by a veterinarian

Taking Pet Nutrient And Treats Into The United States

When driving from Canada to the United States, yous tin can bring upwardly to l pounds of pet food purchased in Canada. The nutrient must encounter the following requirements:

  • Does non contain lamb, sheep, or caprine animal meat
  • Shelf-stable (not needing refrigeration) and sealed (never opened) containers of pet food must in commercial packaging
  • Labels on the packaging must conspicuously list the ingredients and state of origin
  • Manufactured in Canada or the United States only

Pet foods containing sun-dried, freeze-dried, or raw products cannot exist imported for personal utilize.

In Real Life

The requirements are pretty straight forward. But if yous're still losing sleep, hither's what information technology's really similar to cross the border with your pets.

Ty and Buster from sitting on rocks at Lake Agnes near Lake Louise, AB, Canada

Breed Specific Legislation

Province of Ontario

Ontario has an ugly Brood Specific Constabulary that bans "pitbull-type" dogs from the province. Police and beast command officers can search for and seize whatsoever dog accounted to be a "pitbull-type" based on visual inspection.

If the authorities decide the dog is a "pitbull-type," the canis familiaris is euthanized, even if it didn't pause whatsoever other law. Here is a summary of the law from Ontario's Ministry of the Attorney General.

READ More ⇒   Tips for Traveling with Pit Bulls

Cool Whip and Hercules, two pitbulls, sitting on the bed at a pet-friendly hotel

No exceptions to this law are provided for tourists traveling with their pets. So, if you lot have a domestic dog that looks similar a pit balderdash, carry documents proving your domestic dog'south pedigree when traveling in Ontario.

Throughout the rest of Canada, there are municipalities with breed restrictions and bans. Program to avoid them. Visit the Justice for Bullies website for a map of locations with breed specific laws.

We hope this summary makes it easier for your to plan your pet friendly trip Canada! For some ideas on places to visit, be sure to check our pet friendly destination guides.

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