
Who Do Animals Call Me A Bell Pincher

Chief telling the histrion about rumours

Julian telling a rumor to the player about him and Tangy

Reputation is a function in Animal Crossing serial in which players are labeled past villagers.

Villagers will not only tell the player that there are rumors about them; they volition also inform the actor what rumors are forming about other players, such as those from their own town, or visiting players who have spoken to their villagers.


How the player is labeled depends on certain actions performed past the player. For example, a player who time travels often may be rumored to be a "Time Traveler" by villagers, or fifty-fifty by villagers of towns that the actor has visited.

In Wild Earth

  • pizza confront
  • black pollex
  • garden boy
  • lonely male child
  • lonely girl
  • festival freak
  • happy guy
  • smiley girl
  • mad dog
  • pest
  • bug freak
  • chopper
  • fish philosopher
  • flower hugger
  • pro wrestler
  • ninja
  • airplane pilot
  • soldier
  • cherub
  • chef
  • police force officeholder
  • pirate
  • big brother
  • picayune blood brother
  • king
  • blossom girl
  • tango male child
  • parasol girl
  • prepared boy
  • rainy daughter
  • rain boy
  • tempest chaser
  • snowbird
  • wannabe tailor
  • fashionista
  • morn person
  • morning person
  • night walker
  • night owl
  • pocket packer
  • mean girl
  • mad boy
  • frosty daughter
  • jerk boy
  • queen bee
  • tough guy
  • pretty princess
  • best buddy
  • problems buddy
  • problems princess
  • fish lover
  • fish queen
  • bug-napper
  • bug emperor
  • bug meister
  • fisher king
  • poor kid
  • light pockets
  • nouveau riche
  • big-timer
  • fat cat
  • millionaire
  • four-optics
  • bookworm
  • librarian
  • nerd
  • 3-horn girl
  • muffinhead
  • complect babe
  • bob girl
  • curly girly
  • dunce
  • babe boy
  • carefree Chiliad
  • stylish slob
  • normal boy
  • class president
  • roomie
  • wintertime wonder
  • snowman
  • foliage girl
  • fall girl
  • ray of sun
  • summer lounger
  • spring girl
  • leap boy

In City Folk

Title Reason
Witchlette Wearing Witch wearable
Bong-pincher Holding many Bells or a slingshot
Angelface Wearing a Halo
Bridezilla Wearing Bride article of clothing
Political party Peep Interacting with villagers frequently
Broke Joker Having a low amount of Bells
Fishing Fan Often angling
Flyswatter Oft communicable bugs
Bloom Bud/Bloom Girl Frequently watering flowers
Average Joe Ofttimes trading with villagers
Parasol Girl Using umbrellas oftentimes
Tree Shaker Shaking trees frequently
Early Bird Playing early in the day
Raindrop Playing while raining
World Traveler Fourth dimension traveling frequently
Pro Listener Interacting with villagers frequently
Bong Hoarder Large number of Bells in the bank

In New Foliage

  • Freshman Mayor - Obtained upon becoming mayor. Cannot be obtained once again once it has been switched out.
  • New Face up - Obtained upon moving in. Cannot be obtained again one time it has been switched out.
  • Pro Listener - Can be obtained by fulfilling villager's requests exactly.
  • Happy Tourist - Obtained from frequent visits to Tortimer Island.
  • Hometown Hero - High approval rating, tin be gained from planting many flowers quickly, etc.
  • Fashionista - Obtained by creating many patterns, or by passing Gracie's Manner Check.
  • Pro Traveler - Frequent visits to other towns.
  • Social Butterfly - Possibly past talking to the villagers ofttimes.
  • Individual - Rarely talking to villagers or NPCs.
  • Aspiring Designer- This rumor tin can exist obtained by making pro designs at Able sisters.
  • Flower Fan - Obtained by planting and watering many flowers, tin can be obtained by picking up flowers and setting them back down. 500+ flowers are required for this rumor.
  • Time Traveler - Obtained by doing nothing but time traveling.
  • Fish-and-Bug Star -  Likely by communicable many types of fish/bugs
  • Fly Swatter - For communicable lots of bugs regularly.
  • Stump Maker - Obtained by cut downward many copse
  • World Traveler - Traveling to other towns oftentimes.
  • Borough Leader - TBA, possibly by beingness the only donator to a public works project or possibly past demolishing projects.
  • Bug Whisperer - Communicable many bugs.
  • Bong Pincher (Bell Hoarder in PAL version) - Rarely spending bells on annihilation.
  • Greenish Thumb - Breeding hybrids often.
  • Bellionaire - Obtained through having a sum of 1,000,000 Bells or more in a savings account
  • Shopaholic - Shopping often.
  • Tree Hugger - Planting many trees.
  • Fishing Fiend - Obtained by line-fishing a lot.
  • Deep Diver - Obtained by communicable deep body of water creatures often.


Pashmina telling the player about a rumor describing Velma and a acquit.

Related to this is the concept of rumors in which villagers spread rumors most themselves. In addition to player rumors, villagers volition also have rumors concerning them.

  • Cranky villagers will state that rumors tin can exist frightening.
  • Jock villagers may inquire to spread rumors about their latest world tape, or complain that others say that they are a prince from another planet.
  • Normal villagers will comment that they will only spread rumors they have seen themselves.
  • Lazy villagers volition tell the player that at that place's a rumor of another villager having very ticklish feet, and that they will use it to their advantage in the future.
  • Smug villagers may remark that they have done things with other villagers, just refuse to elaborate on the details.
  • Snooty villagers will use fabricated examples to prove the player that simple rumors can spread very quickly. They will also exist concerned if it'due south rumored that they've been talking almost the player behind their back.
  • Sisterly villagers volition complain that rumors are circulating that they are known for one sport, when it is in fact some other.
  • Peppy villagers will inquire the histrion for whatever gossip, think you are keeping something clandestine, and ask for you to give them the details.



  • The list of files where these titles are stored in the game files is named st_impress.bmg.


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